About Smart City

A smart city is a municipality that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to increase operational efficiency, share information with the public and improve both the quality of government services and citizen welfare.

Smart city technology

Smart cities use a combination of the internet of things (IoT) devices, software solutions, user interfaces (UI) and communication networks. However, they rely first and foremost on the IoT. The IoT is a network of connected devices -- such as vehicles, sensors or home appliances -- that can communicate and exchange data. Data collected and delivered by the IoT sensors and devices is stored in the cloud or on servers. The connection of these devices and use of data analytics (DA) facilitates the convergence of the physical and digital city elements, thus improving both public and private sector efficiency, enabling economic benefits and improving citizen's lives.

How a smart city works

Smart cities utilize their web of connected IoT devices and other technologies to achieve their goals of improving the quality of life and achieving economic growth. Successful smart cities follow four steps:

1. Collection - Smart sensors throughout the city gather data in real time.
2. Analysis - Data collected by the smart sensors is assessed in order to draw meaningful insights.
3. Communication - The insights that have been found in the analysis phase are communicated with decision makers through strong communication networks.
4. Action - Cities use the insights pulled from the data to create solutions, optimize operations and asset management and improve the quality of life for residents.